Caribbean Stud poker rules

Caribbean Stud Poker – Rules and How to Play

In this game you are playing against the house instead of against other players and the house has a 5.22% advantage. In this casino type game it is similar to five card stud except again you are playing against the house. To begin each player places the ante or opening bet. You will then have an option to place a one dollar bet to be in the progressive jackpot in most casinos.

After all players place there ante the house deals each player five cards including the dealer. The dealer then turns his last card face up. Then you place a bet on the play line or fold the hand. If you place a bet on the play line it must be equal to the ante.

Once all players either play or fold. The dealer shows his hand to see if it qualifies. In order to qualify it must have an A-K or better. If it doesn’t the ante pays 1 to 1 and the play is refunded. If the dealer dose has an A-K or better and you win ante pays 1to1 but play line pays as follows. Just as a reminder some casinos pay out differently.

A Pair – 1 to 1
Two Pairs – 2 to 1
Three of a Kind – 3 to 1
Straight – 4 to 1
Flush – 5 to 1
Full House – 7 to 1
Four of a Kind – 20 to 1
Straight Flush – 50 to 1
Royal Flush – 100 to 1

Now about that jackpot dollar that we bet earlier most casinos payouts are like the following:

Royal Flush – 100% of the Jackpot
Straight Flush – 10% of the Jackpot
Four of a Kind – $100
Full House – $75
Flush – $50