Here are the Texas Holdem Rules: The Official Rules

Discover the rules of Texas Holdem and learn now how to play poker following the official rules!

Mix carefully. It is not the beginning of a new culinary recipe, but the first of the Texas Holdem rules. Analyzing it in detail, it turns out that in the gambling halls and at the casino those who mix the 52 cards cannot play.

In fact, there is the figure of the dealer, who in the context of a tournament or a Sit & Go or a cash game table, is responsible for shuffling and distributing the cards, in addition to collecting the bets that are made from time to time , show the board (or a certain number of cards common to all the players involved in the hand) and finally assign the pot to whoever has won it.

Exclusively in case of lack of dealers, or in an informal situation, the person who distributes the cards may also be of the game and we will speak of Self-Dealt, that is, self-distribution. But this is a situation that belongs in fact only to the so-called ‘home games’, that is the games between friends in which, for convenience, the role of dealer is rotated based on the position at the table and who finds themselves playing on the button.

In the Self-Dealt a “button” will move at the end of each hand to indicate who the dealer will be or the position of the fictitious dealer.

Position will be one of the most important factors to consider for your future texas holdem strategies.

The official Texas Holdem regulation signals the presence of the Blinds, that is two forced bets with a predetermined amount of money. So let’s talk about the big blind and the small blind, or ‘big blind’ and ‘small blind’, with the latter always having to correspond to half the big blind.

Texas Holdem Rules: Blinds, Pre-Flop and Flop

The two players to the left of the dealer or player with the button in the case of a fictitious dealer, have the burden of starting the hand by placing the blinds (or blinds) on the pot before the cards are given to the players, which represents one of the most important rules of texas holdem.

Small Blind is the name of the player on the left closest to the dealer and the one on his left is instead called Big Blind.

During the distribution of the cards, says the complete rules of Texas Holdem, two cards must be dealt face down, called Hole Cards, the value of which will not be revealed except in the event of a final showdown when the points of the texas holdem and the winner of the dish.

Texas holdem rules: the flop

Once the Hole Cards are handed out to the players, the dealer places three cards face up on the table which are called flops and can be used by the players together with the hole cards to form the best combinations of texas holdem and who will have in hand the highest value will go to win the pot, or pot, which is the set of all bets.

The first betting round, called the pre-flop, takes place after the cards are dealt and before the community cards are revealed on the table.

The player to the left of the big blind has the right to speak first and, unless it is a tournament, he may decide to become third blind with a double bet of the big blind before the cards are dealt.

Texas Holdem Rules: Place, Raise or Bet

Passing, raising or betting (in the ‘original’ language fold, raise or bet) are the options of the first speaker who is the one who sits to the left of the Big Blind, and they represent the basis of the Texas holdem rules.

How do you raise? It depends on which game mode you choose.

Texas holdem rules: bet

In texas holdem limit games the player adds a fixed odds which can have a limit after a certain number of games, usually after four consecutive.

In limit games, the raise must be lower than the value of the pot at that time. On the other hand, when you play texas holdem poker no limit, you have an unlimited raise that depends only on the number of chips the player has.

In the official Texas Holdem rules, the Flop, the Turn, the River and the Show Down are important.

Texas Holdem Rules: Second Game Phase

The flop is the phase of each poker hand that occurs only after the first betting round, when the dealer discards the top card of the deck, and brings the three cards face up on the table – called the flop. The flop is a decisive stage for the various texas holdem strategies.

Players can take advantage of the Check, which translated from American is the cip: stay in the game without betting waiting for your moment to speak. In this case, to move on to the next step which is the turn, we can all make use of the check, thus obtaining a free card.

Turn or Fourth Street occurs when one card is discarded and the next is added to the others on the table. Unlike the flop, in this case there will be a single card in common for all participants, but there are no other major differences compared to the previous game.

On the third betting round the fixed amount doubles and remains the same for the next betting round in case of hat games.

River or Fifth Street occurs after the third round with another card that is discarded and the fifth card called River is joined to those already on the table.

The Showdown and the Kicker

During the showdown, as the name implies, challengers must show their cards. And even in this case there are very specific rules to follow, both for the players and for the dealer who will have to determine the winner of the pot.

In case of equal combinations of texas holdem among the players, the Kicker card is used, that is, the highest one following those that make up the combinations of texas holdem.

In case all the players have used the private cards assigned at the beginning or have the same combination the pot is divided equally between them as there is no Kicker.

To improve their texas holdem points players can use some of the community cards. Anyone wishing to do so must announce it before removing their cards or give up the pot.

Whoever reaches the river but without a point to declare, can make the so-called ‘muck’, which consists in returning the cards to the dealer without showing them at the table. It is a way to give up, but also the possibility of trying to take home the pot without offering readings to one’s opponents, despite having just missed a beat.