There are five actions that a can player can make while playing poker. You can either bet, call, raise, fold or check. Poker betting in each round continues until all remaining players have called or folded to the original bet or raise. In Texas Holde’m, there is generally a limit to either 3 or 4 raises per betting round among all the players except in a no limit game. When the maximum number of raises has been reached the poker betting is said to be capped. If you are first to act and you check, every player in turn has the option to check or bet. It can be checked by all players, and if it is, you will move to the next round.
The bettor is the first player to commit money to the pot on any given betting round.
If no player has bet, you have the option of checking when it is your turn to act. Checking is the act of not betting anything. If all players check on the same poker betting round you still have a chance to win. If someone bets after you check you have a choice and must either call, raise, or fold.
Calling is the act of matching whatever someone has bet or raised. For example, if a player bets £5 you can then call £5. If another player subsequently raises to $10 you will have to pay an additional F5 to call his raise.
To raise, you must match whatever has been bet so far on the given betting round and then raise an additional amount equal to or in no limit it can be greater than the amount of the bet. In limit Texas Hold’em, the amount of the raise would be whatever the poker betting amount is on that given round. Re-raising is simply the act of raising an opponent who has already raised.
Folding is the act of giving up on the hand and relinquishing your money already committed to the pot as you do not want to match a bet or raise. You throw away your cards (muck them) and have no chance of winning the current hand.