Poker bets are indispensable when playing poker. A good poker betting strategy can lead you to win great prizes and beat your rivals.
Poker bets are indispensable when playing poker. There are many ways to bet on poker, from the blinds (small and large) through the Ante (also already the Ante Button) as well as go All-In in some of the modalities where you play without limit.
In this article we will discuss some types of poker bets that you can place during some of your poker games, be it Texas Holdem, Omaha poker, or any other variant that allows them.
Pass-raise the poker bet is a technique that you should use in all poker sessions in which you participate, although as with all the essential movements mentioned so far, it is necessary to understand and know how to use it so that it does not come back against you causing you losses.
- What is Pass-Raise the Bet ?: This movement consists of passing when the action comes to you to later raise the bet when an opponent has placed a bet behind you. Pass-up poker betting is actually a trap movement for your rivals to fall into your networks.
- Why it is done ?: Pass-raise the Bet poker can be done for two reasons: to win more chips / money when you have the best hand on the table or to throw your cards to the opponent and thus take the pot when not You have a play and you go bluffing.
- When the Pass-Up Bet is made ?: This is a really essential move in Texas Hold’em, although it can also be used in other poker variants that exist. Pass-Up Bet can be used both in tournaments and tables with cash.
- Where to use it ?: Pass-Raise the Bet only works when you are out of position, when you are one of the first players to bet since if you are in position probably nobody will bet from behind and therefore the game would continue without any bet.
How to pass-raise poker bets?
Because this movement is part of the strategy for beginners and other more expert players, you should be very careful when doing it, especially if you do not have much control of the game as it could turn against you and make you lose money instead of winning it.
Make Pass-Raise the Bet is essential in the “toolbox” of every poker player, but you must use it with caution since an over-exploitation of the movement would only bring you problems.
The first thing you have to know when Passing-Up the Bet is why you do it. Poker is a game in which it is necessary to plan and analyze each situation and this movement is a clear example of this. Unless you know what you are trying to achieve with it and how to do it, you would simply be throwing away your money.
Pass-Raise the Bet will help your rivals not take advantage of you when you pass because in this way they will not know if you have a good or bad hand and you will also be forced to think much more about each bet made because you could make a raise.
As a beginner, most of the time you will perform this movement to increase profits with a good hand. When you think you have the best hand, you need to get the maximum number of chips possible, taking into account that the better your hand is with greater peace of mind you can bet your chips.
Pass-up the Bet used in this way will also make your opponent think twice before putting his money in the pot. In this way, you will also decrease the amount of hands with which your opponent takes advantage of a good position on the table to take the pot.
With this movement used to increase profits with good hands, you will force your opponent to make mistakes by watching your rise with bad hands or you will even be able to win more than an all-in when your opponent has the second best hand on the table ( losing against the best that in this case would be yours).
Here are some essential points that you should keep in mind when you are going to perform this movement to increase your profits with a good hand:
- You have to be out of position, this means that you must be the first to speak to Pass before any opponent makes a bet.
- Your opponent must be aggressive enough, so he will bet with a wide variety of hands when you pass.
Pass-raise the bet with one hand wins.
Dora is really effective when there are several people who come into play, so you could triple or even multiply your money by four.
Finally, you should remember that Pass-Up the Bet is a really powerful movement that can make your opponent stop bluffing and even abandon your hands or don’t bet with relatively strong hands. If you have the best possible hand, you should be careful not to overact and bet more than is convenient, causing your opponent to leave his hand before putting all his money in “your” pot.
Poker Betting: The Over-Bet
Let’s take a look at the over-bet, a movement that involves forcing the opponent to abandon the fight for the pot when you bluff or get more winnings when you have the best cards. This movement is also known for “buying the boat” and it is absolutely essential to have it among your weapons when playing poker.
Properly understanding the over-bet will help you take many more boats, even when you don’t have the best hand. Now and as we always do, we are going to show you this movement more deeply by answering a series of questions.
- What is the over-bet ?: Explained simply, talking about over-betting is to do it on the bet of a really unusual amount of chips in relation to the pot in play. It is generally considered over-bet as long as it exceeds the amount accumulated in the pot.
- Why it is used ?: In some cases your opponent could pass or see a normal bet, but he would abandon his hand if the bet is exorbitant, this fact is a good way to take boats and increase the winnings.
- Where does the over-bet look ?: The best scenario to place the over-bet is when playing with large stacks of chips (deep stacks) since you can make large bets compared to the size of the pot.
- When is it done ?: Even when the over-bet can be made on any of the streets, it is really common to do this on the river.
How to make the over-bet?
Depending on the situation, the over-bet can be used as a powerful tool to bluff or as a deception move for the opponent to see the bet with a losing hand.
As you can see this movement is very versatile and can be used in several situations with the same efficiency, so it is extremely important to understand the movement well and know at all times why this “big” bet is made.
poker bets
The over-bet as a bluff can be a very appealing resource for beginner players because they will take the pot a high percentage of the time, but you have to be very careful when using it since every time the pot is lost, the cost is really tall.
Anyway, this movement is really powerful when the opponent would be able to accept a small bet since it would scare him and force him to leave. Below we offer more information on how to make this over-bet the right way.
Over-Value Bet
When you see big over-bets at the lowest game levels, they are almost always made to increase profits when you have a big hand.
Beginner players tend to bet big when they have a big hand, so it is easy to read their hand. Don’t fall into this trap anymore. There are two options with which to obtain higher profits thanks to the over-bet.
- Against a lazy or inexperienced player: Weak or inexperienced players tend not to know how to differentiate between the half-pot (half of the pot) and twice-pot (double of the pot) bet. Get the most out of them when betting and re-raising them when you have a big hand.
- Over-bet to show weakness: In some cases an over-bet can show that your strategy is weak and that you are just trying to get it out of trouble by getting the boat.
Poker Betting: 3-Bet
- What is the rise of 3-Bet (three neighbors) ?: This movement refers to making a re-rise before the flop with hands that are probably worse than the one in your possession who made the first bet.
- When to do it: You must try to identify those players who do not like to enter battles but who tend to place a bet on the preflop game too often to attack them.
- Where is it usually done ?: There are two situations in which the bet is usually raised three times: being in position or from the blinds. It is important to understand both scenarios.
- Why it is done ?: Players called “loose” but who usually bet before the flop can give you many chips or money since you would force them to throw their cards many times.
If you use the over-bet well as a sign of weakness, your opponent can interpret that you only make this move because your cards are not good and that if they were the winners you would place a small bet so that it could see the bet.
How to make 3-Bet?
To explain this movement in a simple way, we must think that the threefold increase in the bet is like a semi-lantern. It would be to make a re-rise with a hand that without being the best at that time has the chance to improve and become the best play on the table.
One of the aspects that poker players usually learn is to be more aggressive, so you will find many players who place a bet before the flop almost as a general rule. Once you’ve identified those players, what you should do is exploit them with re-ups, even when your cards aren’t the best you can have.
You should know that it is important to take advantage of this movement since if you would not be losing possible profits. The biggest risk for beginner players is not knowing how to play after the flop in case the opponent sees the re-rise.
If you see this preflop rise, do not let the hand take hold of you by making continuation bets and continuing until the end with more bets if this is not worth it. In the beginning it is advisable to make only three times the bet with very good hands or with hands not so good but that have many possibilities to improve on the flop.
Tip: Select the hands with which to perform this movement well, this will make the postflop game much easier.
Avoid conflicting poker hands such as Aces with weak cards or two figures will make your decisions easier later because they will be able to avoid that you can improve your hand but that this can still be dominated by your rivals.
3-Bets hands
You should not think that when learning the rise of three times the bet you have to carry it out whenever the occasion appears. Returning to the concept of semi-lantern, you must choose for this movement hands that are likely to become the best move after the flop or in the back streets.
Weak couples are very good at starting up the bet three times as they have value and also, hopefully in the flop they can improve and become “nuts” (the best play of the table). In a similar way, we must see the double staircase color projects, both low and medium.
And, as we have said before, if your opponent accepts your raise and you do not improve your hand on the flop, do not continue to invest your money with a possibly losing hand.
Poker Betting: 4-Bet
Another of the interesting poker bets is 4-bet, one of the most important preflop weapons you can use in the Texas holdem. Used as a bluff or by value, the 4-betha will make your opponents rethink their play and as a rule they will throw their cards.
You should keep in mind that this movement is not “cheap” exactly, so we will see in this article how to use 4-bet to provide benefits and for this we will first answer a series of questions, such and as usual in this series of articles.
- What is the poker bet 4- bet ?: This movement refers to placing a bet of 4 times the big blind when the time comes and without having put money for the blind. For example: the player in the first position raises the blinds bet, the one who is before the dealer position raises the bet three times and you, from the dealer button, make the 4-bet.
- Why make this move ?: The 4-bet is done because you do it when you are still “cold”, when you have not invested anything before in the boat (either by blind or by bets). This move indicates that you have very strong cards and the players will usually leave, except those with powerful hands.
- Where can the 4-bet be seen ?: This movement is performed only before the flop and as a rule when in position (dealer). Because a raise and a re-rise is needed before, it is mainly seen when the player is in the last positions or in the blinds (although in this case it would not be exactly cold since the blind would have already been paid).
- When is this poker betting done ?: The 4-bet works both at cash tables and in tournaments, although because we are talking about betting four times the previous raise, which is already three times the first bet, this movement does not It works when you have few chips.
How to make a 4-Bet?
If you are playing at low buy-in poker tables or tournaments, the chances of you seeing three times the initial bet are very small, so the 4-bets would be made directly, in addition to this game, almost safely When someone makes a re-climb (second re-climb) it is because they have aces or kings. A 4-bet attracts the attention of the table, remember it.
The 4-bet is one of the most powerful weapons that exist in poker for the preflop game, which also makes the movement a great tool to make a lantern. On the other hand, when you make 4-bet with aces, you will only be able to dispute hands if the opponent has really good cards.
poker bets
Keep in mind that 4-bet as it is known would entail a final bet of 20 big blinds or more, so this movement should never be taken as a joke and you have to be clear when to do it or not.
In this article we are going to shred the mechanisms of 4-bet, teaching you how to use it as a bluff as well as doing it to increase the value of your hand, in addition to what cards you can perform it (range of action).
4-Bet as Bluff
To get the 4-bet to give results and benefits you need to find situations in which the first bettor and the one who makes the re-climb before your moment play normally with a wide range of hands but abandon the play if another movement appears aggressive later (yours).
The two great factors to consider when determining are the aggressiveness or not of the players who have acted before and the position from which they make the increases and re-ascents.
You always have to analyze and take into account how many hands your opponents usually play and when after their raises, how often they see the re-ups of other players. To perform the 4-bet as a bluff satisfactorily, you must look for players who open bets or make 3-bets on many occasions, especially if they tend to leave later.
Similarly, there are many players who bet or make a re-raise with a greater number of hands when they are in position. There is a big difference between betting and re-raising by being in the initial or last positions (such as the cut-off or the dealer).
When you make the 4-bet, you have to always try against players who tend to bet and raise the previous bets from first positions, being you in the last positions. Keep in mind that when doing (as an example) the 4-bet as a lantern when you have an ace, you are looking for the opponent not to have AK or better.
Increase the value of your hands
When you are going to make the 4-bet to increase the benefit of a great hand, you should look for players and situations different from when you use it as a bluff. Because you bet with what you think is the best hand, what you are looking for is that players see your movement with a worse play.
Passive players who tend to see many bets, especially the so-called calling stations, are the best objective you can have since they will rarely throw away their cards and when they get better on the flop they will not force you with more bets.
Seeing only the previous bet (3bet) when you have a pair of aces or kings can be very dangerous, so for beginners it is always better to use this movement since it will allow you to play a bigger pot and also do it only against an opponent.
Needless to say, but to make the 4-bet to add value to the hand, it is necessary to have a great hand for it, but you also have to keep in mind that just as when performing the movement as a lantern, your way of acting also depends of the position in which your rivals are.
In most of the tables you should not make the 4-bet by value with two jacks if your rivals are in first positions, but if they tend to bet and are close to the dealer position, it may be a good option to bet with said cards to raise the value of the hand.
Center your range of hands
When you see an amateur player performing a 4-bet, it is safer to assume he has a great hand. This is because normally a beginner player only performs this movement with a pair of aces or kings. In this case we would say that you cannot vary the range of hands to perform this movement.
Mixing lanterns and value bets will make you less predictable, so you will also get paid more frequently when you have a pair of aces in your hand. Look for passive players who sub
still in last positions as we have described before and use your creativity and intelligence also making some 4-bet as a lantern.
Most of the time you will be able to take the boat with no problem, but if when you do it, for example, you show a 6 ♦ 7 ♦ you will get the next time you make the move by vouchers (with a pair of aces for example) they think a lot about throwing Your letters
Poker bets: Push and Fold
Throughout this post we are going to show you other of the most common poker bets, such as how to play when your stack is small thanks to the push / fold strategy, also known by many players as “all-in or fold” . Reducing your movements to two options you will have the opportunity to return to life in a tournament (after being dying) and get as far as possible.
Making all-in or throwing your cards, whenever you do it at the right time you will get:
You use your stack of chips effectively and get steal blindly and before.
You will avoid losing important chips by watching or raising bets and then abandoning your hand
Fold your chips getting breath again.
Before entering the movement in depth, it is time to answer, as usual, four basic questions to better understand what is the push / fold strategy.
- What is the push / fold strategy ?: This way of acting is exactly what its name indicates: reduce your list of options at the table to two: do all-in or throw your cards directly.
- Why this move is made ?: When the stack of chips in the tournament is less than 10 big blinds, you can never afford to see bets or raise these to throw your cards later, so that doing all- in or throwing the cards in the preflop game will allow you to use optimize the remaining chips.
- Where is the push / fold strategy used ?: This form of play is done in tournaments and sit-and-go, when the small amount of chips in your stack does not allow you to see and raise bets to see what happens and throw the cards later.
- When to carry out this strategy ?: The push / fold movement should be used when you have 10 blinds or less, and can be used in other situations whenever the occasion requires it, but only when it is short-stack and when you do not have a number high blind.
How to place the poker push / fold bet?
We remember that these strategies are aimed at beginner (or not very expert) players, who always have to find a way to facilitate their decisions as much as possible.
All-in or fold is a strategy that allows you to decide only between two options, helping you not to complicate yourself without reason, an essential fact that will make it easier for you to make the right decision, something essential when you are on the verge of elimination (with few chips) in a tournament.
poker bets
As we have said, the definition of “being short of chips” depends on the situation in which you are, although as a general rule it is accepted as having 10 blinds or less.
It is necessary and with time you should be able to know at all times the relationship between your stack of chips and the blinds, being especially important and essential to always keep in mind the limit of ten large blinds since that is the line behind which you must adopt said push / fold strategy.
Why is all-in better than raising the bet?
Being with a small stack of chips, your biggest goal will be to survive and the best strategy to do so is to avoid any fight at the table.
Imagine that you have three big blinds and you get the play being in dealer position You go up 3 blind, having the big blind T ♥ J ♥. Many players would see this bet with the mentioned hand, but they would abandon the hand if the bet were of the ten big blinds you have at that moment (or nine, depending on the situation).
Unless you have a great hand as a pair of aces or kings, it is better for you that the opponent leaves and thus take the blinds and before without risk.
Poker Betting: Stop and Go
The Stop and Go, although it may sound that it sounds like car racing, is a really important movement in poker, being an effective measure to disorient, confuse and, finally, get to deceive the rivals.
- What is the poker bet of Stop and Go ?: Explained in a simple and perhaps too general way, the Stop and Go is to see before the flop and being out of position a raise made by another player, to subsequently place a strong bet , usually all-in, regardless of the cards shown on the flop.
- Where is it performed ?: The Stop and Go is a play that is usually used effectively in multi-table and Sit and Go tournaments, being the scenario par excellence when doing it in the blinds and the bettor has the position (one of the last players before the blinds).
- When is it done ?: This move is made, as a general rule, when there are few tokens (in relation to the payment of the blinds), when they are between five and ten blind.
- Why it is done: The main objective of the Stop and Go is to get the opponent to throw his cards on the flop, when he would have seen your bet if you had raised in the pre-flop. This movement allows you to increase the chances of winning the hand and, therefore, to stay alive longer in the tournament.
How to do the “Stop and Go”?
The Stop and Go is a really strong and effective movement that is necessary to add to your strategic repertoire, especially for the moments in which you are with few chips in a tournament.
Imagine the following situation: You are in the big blind with AJ in your hand, with 10,000 chips and being the blinds of 600 / 1,200 and the ante of 100. The player who is on the 3,600 bet button, the small blind leaves and is your When making a decision, do you play all-in now, do you simply see the bet or throw your cards?
Even if you had a hand considered premium as AK, it is convenient to see the bet. If you bet all-in, the button would have to see only 6,400 to win more than 20,000 chips, which means that the price is relatively low. In fact, most experienced players would have seen the few chips you have and would only bet with a possible all-in of yours in mind.
Because AK would lose 35% of the chances that the opponent had two low cards, it is better to avoid this confrontation that would be almost certain if you bet all your chips, so you should look for another game strategy.
This is where Stop and Go comes on the scene. It consists of “only” seeing your bet with the intention of going all-in as the cards are shown on the flop. When you place this bet after the flop, your opponent thinks much more what to do since in most cases these cards would not help him improve his hand.
There are many plays with which you can see the bet of the rival in the preflop. Imagine that your opponent has a couple of three, if you had gone all-in first he would have seen your safe bet, while after the flop you will think a lot about what to do.
You can imagine that your opponent has KQ and the flop shows T-8-5, the most normal thing is that he decides to throw his cards after analyzing the situation. If you only see your bet before the flop, you are much more likely to win the pot without reaching the end, in this way you force your opponent to think much more than betting first.
With Stop and Go you make your opponents think much more and thus they are more likely to make mistakes.
Poker Betting: The Counter Theft
The counter-theft is a movement of poker bets closely related to the action of raising the bet three times (3-Bet) since it consists of “turning the tortilla” and take advantage to put the opponent against the aggressive movement made with a bet three times higher than yours.
- What is the counter-theft ?: This movement refers to making a three-fold increase in the bet when you suspect that an aggressive player has bet from position with the sole objective of getting the blinds.
- Why this move is made ?: Good players know that by placing a bet very close to the dealer position (or in it), they can bet financially successfully speaking with a wide range of hands. This makes them vulnerable since on many occasions their hand will not be strong enough to see a three-fold re-raise of the bet.
- Where can this movement be seen ?: The counter-theft is frequently used from blind positions to defend against bets made from the last positions, although it can also be done when in position and someone has placed the bet with that objective ( mainly the right player)
- Who is countered against ?: This move works best against good winners since these are the ones that usually perform this type of actions such as placing bets with “normal” hands to take the blinds.
How to do the counter-theft?
Before continuing we want to make a concept clear: if you are doing the counter-theft you are bluffing, this means that you have a worse hand than the opponent (or at least you don’t think your hand is better).
Making a three-fold raise when you have the best hand is simply a move to add value to your hand and get more benefits from it.
Therefore, because the counter-theft is a bluff that wants your opponent to throw their cards to take the boat, it is necessary to understand that there are several important factors when it comes to achieving this goal.
When you think about countering a rival you should keep in mind that he can also think that you are “stealing”, so it is important to know the type of image you have on the table (if you are aggressive or can not get your opponent to throw his cards or that goes against you), the position and the type of cards you have in your hand.
Another important point for beginners is that the counter-theft movement cannot be made without having an alternative plan in case the player sees the hand. It is easy to get lost and not know what to do when you are out of position (the blinds act in the first position after the flop) and in a boat like the one generated after the movement.
Poker Betting: Blocking Bet
With the blocking bet and even being out of position, the player can increase the possible winnings or see more cards without having to introduce large amount of chips in the pot. Learn more about this movement with the answer to several questions, as we usually do.
- What is the blocking bet ?: This movement refers to the fact of betting while out of position in order to control how much money is included in the betting round.
- Why it is used ?: The blocking bet is used mainly when there are marginal hands (or projects) that cannot be maintained if there is a strong bet, so when making a small bet that tends to be seen but not re- Ascent, the player can see a new card with less expense.
- When is it done ?: The blocking bet is made out of position as we have commented because it is necessary to act before the opponent.
- Who is it against ?: Because this action offers the opponent the possibility of throwing a bluff or re-climbing with cards, this move must be made against less aggressive players, who tend to accept bets but not to raise, as well as against inexperienced rivals.
- Where is it done ?: This movement has no preferred table since it can be used in tables with cash and in tournaments.
How to place the blocking bet?
Not everyone agrees that this movement is really effective, but we do all agree that the blocking bet made in the wrong way makes you throw money.
In our opinion and in most other professional players, using the blocking bet correctly will help you, without any doubt, increase your winnings. The most important part of this movement is to understand what kind of boat you want to play and, above all, what kind of opponent you are playing against.
Little aggressive players, beginners or who do not dominate the tables enough are your goals because more expert players who analyze the game will tend to take advantage of your climbs. Next we will see the two situations in which you can place the blocking bet.
Poker Betting: Late Re-Ascent
The poker betting movement that can be used to slow down the action when you have Premium hands is known as Late Re-raise. This is used in order to increase profits or to get opponents to throw their cards in the preflop game.
In most cases the late re-rise is used as a psychological trap movement as it is an extraordinary tool that will help you vary your game and make your opponents continually doubt what cards you have.
Learning when and where to make the late re-rise will get you a new way to increase your poker winnings, so that next we will explain this movement by answering the usual questions.
- What is the late re-rise ?: This movement means passing in the preflop (simply seeing the big blind) waiting for one of the rivals to place a bet to counter re-raising at the moment when the action returns you again .
- Why is this movement used ?: Seeing only the big blind you will get other rivals to see this blind too or to bet when if you had bet on them they would have left the hand.
- When is the late re-upload used ?: It can be used in all types of tables, in cash, in sit-and-go or in tournaments as it meets its objective in all scenarios.
- Where can it be seen ?: The late re-rise is carried out in two positions at the table mainly: in the small blind and in the UTG (the player who opens the hand, the one to the left of the large blind).
- Against whom to use the late re-rise ?: This movement works best against aggressive players who tend to bet and raise the bet when the rest leave or only see the big blind.
How to use the Late Re-Upload?
The late re-rise can be used in several different ways, but by far the most effective of them all for beginning players is its use to increase the value of the play.
In this article we are going to show you two ways to perform the late re-upload to increase the value of your hand:
From the opening position (UTG) with a premium (winning) hand to make your opponents fall in the trap and bet.
When everyone has left the hand being in small blind and having a good play.
In addition we will teach you when your game is more advanced to use the aforementioned to be able to make lanterns.