How to play against a fish in poker?

There are many types of poker players when you start playing regularly. We also often read on various forums devoted to our favorite card game, that fish are the players to play absolutely in order to win easily, however, this is not always the case.

But why? And above all, how to play against these players?

What is a poker fish?

The fish is vulgarly “a pigeon”, a player with a low level but not necessarily a beginner. He makes gross mistakes on very basic aspects of poker. For example, he will not play the right moves and will enter the game whatever the cards in hand, he does not play according to the position, does not calculate the pots, he will not play with the probabilities either.

He often does not care. He plays as much as he can follow.

Fish can be a great source of profits, but it’s not that easy. But what is the secret?

It’s very easy in fact: play simple, with basic poker and do not get carried away in games where you would not normally go, just because you know that in front of you, a fish is present .

A fish also wins, but not in the long run, do not forget it.

Some tips for beating a fish

“Trust” will be your best friend

If you have been playing poker for a long time, you have necessarily noticed that some of the players are hardcore fans of the limp and pay any raise. This way of playing is like slow play, a trap to hide a “monster” to better optimize it.

Against a good player using such tactics, it would be prudent to check the flop and then throw in a big raise, but not against fish.

You will identify them as such after a dozen hands only, because they will limp very often and will pay most reminders. They stay focused mainly on their hands and they cling firmly to the idea that the next board of the board will provide them with a nice combination.

That’s why they have all the trouble in the world to throw their hands. By relaunching, we will see that the fish has paid all along with a small pair served.

In the face of such players, you have to bet as much as possible with strong hands. So trust your hand. And do not be destabilized by the fact that your reminders are systematically paid.

Patience will be your best card

Against fish that have a big carpet, no need to play marginal hands even if the quality of your post-flop game is much higher. Faced with players of a medium level, you could try more elaborate actions in order to trap or bluff your opponents.

However, you only have to wait to touch beautiful hands before betting big. We told you at the beginning of the article, a fish does not win over the long term, so you have to be patient, fishing will be more lucrative. It is not necessary to limp too, hoping to bring several players in the pot. The fish do not need an invitation. Since they want to see as many flops as possible, make sure they pay a high price.

Do not forget to stay focused

The fish often pay all raises to the river. Most of the time, they will not improve their hands significantly as they get into a hit with any hand, and you will gradually pocket all their money.

But a player who check-call or check-raise invariably ends up touching a very strong combination and causing a bad beat.

This will happen necessarily, with even greater damage if the fish has a large carpet. In such a situation, you have to deal with the shock wave, the feeling of frustration, and above all, stay focused. In reality, your way of playing is good but your opponent has just been lucky.

Keep smiling, as much as your calm. You will certainly end up with him taking back your chips, and even more. Tell him that he played well, do not let him read your tells (if he knows how to read them …), you can tell him that you had no idea of ​​the “monster” he held by example.

The time is clearly on your side.

And above all … avoid bluffs

It’s quite paradoxical because bluffing is a powerful technique when it is well mastered, moreover we have often discussed it here or there, but against a fish, bluffs must be proscribed for the good and simple reason that they rarely question the cards of their opponents. He will follow.

Remember two things:

  • Finally, we are all someone’s fish
  • A fish worthy of the name is only concerned about his cards, without worrying about the opposing game

Again, play in a simple way, without forcing, to take a maximum of fish in your nets!